Friday, March 17, 2006

Yeah for all you blog posters! I need updates on what is going on in your lives. I miss you guys.

Well, let me give you a brief rundown of what we have been up to. Noah had tubes put in his ears last week. A huge answered prayer for us because we were having tons and tons of ear infections. Yuck! So hopefully, we won't be having near as many.

I actually have a flower bed now full of flowers. Last week my mother-in-law came and helped me plant them. Who knew that a garden took so much work? But it is so worth it. Flowers just make me happy.

We have also had some excitement around here. Last weekend Sean and I were doing some yard work. Our backyard needs lots and lots of help. So, we were going to have a bonfire to burn off some of the dead limbs and what not. Well, it was a bit windy that day, so we put it out and decided that it would be best to do it at a later date. Later on that night, when my mother-in-law had gone outside, she noticed that we had a fire in our back yard. Luckily, we were able to put it out without calling the fire department.

My mother has always told me that things like that come in 3's. Now I believe her. A couple of days later, our brand new blender broke. It just stopped working. It was only a year old. And the day before yesterday, our sink got clogged. I guess I am just thankful that these were minor.

Ok, this is for Krystal. When I was home a few weeks ago, we went and saw a good friend of ours who had just had a baby. And I promised her that I would put up a few pics so others could see her. Amy Griggs had a precious baby girl named Anna Larilyn.


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