Wednesday, February 15, 2006

I am convinced that when you are in a hurry, no one wants to cooperate with you. It's almost like people know that you are late and will do anything and everything to keep you that way. Why is that?

And another thing. Why is it that when you've made the trudge to go to Wal-mart there is never a good time to go? Seriously, I can't figure it out.

Is there any Lost fans out there? Sean and I have just discovered this series and love it. We are now watching season one, so we are behind. But it has been fun playing catch-up.

I've got a question. I only have 2 more weeks of my bible study left and am in the process of looking for another one. Can anybody give me some good suggestions?

Sorry that this has been the most random post. More in depth pieces will follow. I promise. Miss you guys more than you know.

Friday, February 03, 2006